It’s no secret that, for years, the Goyard Saint Louis has been one of the most popular handbags in the world. With a beautiful design, high-quality materials and a price that not many can match, it has become a classic among bags.
The only problem is that, even when it’s intended to be a tote beach bag, it only comes in two sizes: PM and GM which are small and big. These sizes, plus the delicate handle design were not enough for carrying heavy towels and everything you need for a beach day. This problem, nevertheless, is about to be solved by the Goyard Saint Louis XXL.
The Goyard Saint Louis XXL – perfect for a beach day
With a size, that doubles the largest previous size, engrossed handles and reinforced wider chapes, this time you will be able to carry everything you need.While the GMs 13 inches wide size is fairly big for a carry-on and light day at the beach, those carrying kids or especially big sized towels, won’t find their needs filled with that sized.
In that matter, if you are of those ones that need to take your sunscreen, one towel for the sand and one for drying, water bottle, etc. Then you’ll be more than happy with Goyard Saint Louis XXL 16.5 inches wide (featuring a larger pouch).
Even though, be careful with carrying it too heavy, as the subtle design in the handles still vulnerable to yield if overweighed.
The Goyard Saint Louis XXL Price
Of course, the luxurious extra space comes in different models with a price to match, so be ready to disburse a couple thousand dollars to get a grip on this baby.Luckily, you’re able to pick the color according to your holiday wardrobe, so at least it will match with your beach outfit too.The Goyard Saint Louis XXL price varies depending on which model you choose, from the four different motives.
The most affordable ones are the Black with black trims and the Black with tan trims that have a cost of $1,780. Of course, black is always a great choice as you can match it with almost anything. On the other side, the Goyard Saint Louis XXL price for the gray and the navy motives is considerably more expensive; $2,310. But they’re also very special tones that you can’t easily find in other models and will look gorgeous when combined with your outfit.