Certainly, the Hermes Birkin bags are pretty costly. One of these handbags can cost you at least thousands of dollars, and not many people can afford these bags. The most expensive amount given for a Hermes bag was USD379,261. But why are these bags so expensive! Today, we will answer this question once and for all.
All handmade
All Hermes bags are handcrafted with a particular sort of stitching. The stitching style dated to 200 years back from France. From start to finish, the complete bag is sewn, polished, and decorated by hand with total care.
Made with Genuine Leathers
These Hermes bags are made with the world’s finest leathers. These precious bags just kick away artificial and bad quality later.
Premium Skins
Furthermore, these Hermes bags are made with premium leather skins obtained from-lizard, crocodile, goat, ostrich, etc. Sometimes, harvesting these kinds of skins is illegal in some countries.
Made with precious Metals
All of the metal parts of these bags are crafted with precious metals. They generally use gold or palladium for manufacturing the keys, locks, buckles, etc.
Being an optional part, the diamonds are used in these bags too. A custom bag with the client’s instructions can hold diamonds and will push the price tag high.
They are limited edition. The Hermes Birkin bags are generally limited edition. So, this makes the bags more expensive. The new bags will sell like hotcakes, and you may or may not be able to buy such kinds of bags in a second-hand market.